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Hampton Pool - 365 days of outdoor swimming in heated water High Street, Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 2ST
t: 020 8255 1116

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Why not try a Moonlight Dip?
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Try something different with a Moonlight Dip

Why not try a Moonlight Dip?

Why not take the plunge and swim in the moonlight for a wonderful experience?

Why not try a Moonlight Dip?

Booking Now!

In the warmer months, we hold a very special event here at Hampton pool where you, your family and friends can come have a dip in the moonlight. All lights around our heated outdoor pool are turned off, giving the full star gazing experience.

The pool is split between recreational and lengths, giving you a mixed option of how to go about your moonlight swim.

Sessions start at 22:00 and last 75 minutes, giving you enough time to enjoy both!

26 July

30 August

27 September

Each session costs £13.50 per adult and £9.50 per child and must be booked in advance through our booking app. There is no family price.

With our unique experience being high in demand we strongly urge you to book early to avoid any disappointment.

See you there!

Why not try a Moonlight Dip?

All children under 8 MUST be accompanied by an adult IN THE WATER (within easy reach) at all times. No more than two under 8s to each adult.

Weak and non-swimmers must stay in the shallow end with an adult and not go past the point marked on poolside. We highly recommend weak and non-swimmers wear approved buoyancy devices.


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Hampton Pool is a registered charity
and a not for profit company Logon

© Hampton Pool Trust MMXXI. All rights reserved.
High Street Hampton Middlesex TW12 2ST.

Design © William Redfern Graphic Design

YMCA logo Hampton Pool is managed on behalf of Hampton Pool Trust by YMCA St Paul’s Group. Both are registered charities, 1041923/294117. Co. No. 1870925. YMCA logo